Paper submission
Submission Dates
Some reviews will need longer time; we are sorry that some authors will receive the feedback later than the above notice dates. The re-submission date will be postponed accordingly.
IMMC Zhonghua (IMMC-Greater China) provides system for submission. Before your submission, please complete registration and payment of conference fee*.
Attention! For the parallel presentations, conference delegates should indicate in their submitted abstract whether they would like to present for 45 minutes or 30 minutes, or to do a poster presentation, but the final decision lies with the IPC.
Please refer to the guideline and abstract template for registration and submission.
Please click here to submit**.
* Due to the specific rule that some institutions could not provide funding in advance, there would be authors who may need their proposals to be reviewed before their applying for funding. In this case, the author can send the abstract directly to with an explanation that they would pay the registration fee later when the proposal accepted and funding approved.
** Some authors may run into internet traffic jam at the last moments of submission. If you missed the online submission, please send your abstract directly to
Proceedings and Publication
After the conference, a book in the ICTMA series will be published in the Springer Series, International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. The book chapters are fully reviewed by international expert referees.
Please note that the due date for proposed chapters following ICTMA19 has been extended by three weeks. The new due date is November 5th, 2019. Your submission should be sent to